b'Will my child need help at school? Living with Special Educational NeedsHi, my names Clare. Im the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Advocate for CTT. I have NF1 myself and so do my two children. After working as a paediatric nurse in the NHS for 17 years I became interested in SEND following the fight I went through to get my children the education they deserved. I now work for CTT helping to ensure all children and young people get the help they need to meet their full potential.The majority of children with NF1 will have an average or above average IQ; they often just need different teaching methods to help them fully engage with learning. Common associated conditions include: Autism and ADHD traitsSpeech/language/communication difficulties General learning difficultiesMemory difficulties Specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or dyscalculiaDifficulties with processing.Sensory processing difficultiesSome children and young people will need additional help in school and will be placed on the SEN register, meaning the school will have an individual learning plan for them to ensure they get the help they require. If additional support is needed, the school or parents can apply for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to ensure all their needs are identified and met. CTT offers a service to help you navigate the SEND system and has further information available on our website ( www.childhoodtumourtrust.org.uk ).What an EHCP can do to help.Ewan really struggled inGeorge has an EHCP butSage now attends a school for mainstream education and wascouldnt cope in a schoolchildren with physical and mental falling behind and finding it hardenvironment. They are nowhealth difficulties. They now feel to make friends. His parentshome educated and attend aable to learn. Clare supported our requested assessments andnumber of activities includingEHCP application and helped applied for an EHCP. Now EwanForest School. They areus get an appropriate is thriving in a specialist dyslexialearning in their own way atplacement for Sage. We school where he has lots of friendstheir own pace and are soare both so grateful.and feels he fits in. much happier.CHTT2204 CTT Booklet A5_v5.indd 14 20/09/2022 16:19'