b'What happens after Diagnosis?Now that your child has been diagnosed, you may be wondering what happens next. Your child might not be prescribed any treatment in the first instance. Instead, you may be asked to keep a close eye on your childs health and behaviour, to monitor for any changes. Such changes can include: New lumps or bumps, or changes to existing onesDifficulties with social interactions HeadachesSensitivity to light, noise, touch, tastes, or smells Alterations to speechChanges in eyesight Changes in their ability to move aroundQuite often families of children with NF1 will hear the phrase, watch and wait or something similar. What this means and how to deal with this period of uncertainty is a challenge many parents and caregivers struggle with as it feels vague in a time when all you really want is answersand clarity.Watch and wait basically means, Lets wait and see how things develop with the child, their symptoms and any associated medical concerns. For some this increases anxiety and questions of What am I waiting for?for others its a relief that theres nothing so concerning that it needs immediate treatment or interventions.Our advice to anyone in this situation is to ask your medical professional if theres anything specific that you should be watching out for (the list above My Childs been diagnosed with NF1 should help) and ensure you know who to contact if there any changes in What your childs symptoms or condition that cause you concernthat could be your GP, your childs paediatrician or one of the various specialists that your child may be referred to.My Childs been diagnosed with NF1What now?CHTT2204 CTT Booklet A5_v5.indd 9 20/09/2022 16:19'